Hospitals and care buildings

Hospital building saved 4.5 million liters of water in a short time

A Norwegian hospital has saved over NOK 300,000 in annual water bills after Apurgo found a hidden leak – “We would never have discovered the problem without Apurgo’s systems.

The hospital, which wishes to remain anonymous, has recently installed ApurgoM3 in several of its buildings. With the system’s smart water meter, they have already saved more than NOK 300,000 in annual water charges, and almost 4.5 million liters of water – just in one of the buildings. This is a significant water saving for both the hospital and Norwegian society.

Remote monitoring detected the fault

The water meter detected consistently high water consumption in one of the hospital’s buildings. Based on its insight into the building’s previous water consumption, the operations center could quickly see that something wasn’t right.

The problem in this case was a hidden leak in standard medical equipment. The equipment is typical of large hospitals and there was nothing to indicate that there was anything wrong with it.

– “We might never have discovered the problem at all if Apurgo hadn’t brought it to our attention,” says the hospital’s technical manager.

Read also: Apurgo Cloud gives your facility 24/7 peace of mind

Illustrative image of healthcare professionals washing their hands
Illustration image

Small leak – huge cost!

The technical manager is pleased that Apurgo’s operations center discovered the error so quickly.

– “It’s hard to say how long it would have taken to discover the problem without Apurgo,” he says.

In the worst case, it could be a matter of years.

In cases like this, the chances are that the leak will become part of the building’s “truth”. In that case, the hospital would have paid more than NOK 300,000 extra in annual water charges for this building alone. The investment in ApurgoM3 has thus already proved to be profitable.

– The medical equipment was a typical place where hidden leaks can occur. And it takes very small leaks to cause large amounts of water,” explains Odd-Sverre Johansen, team leader for Apurgo’s operations center.

Odd-Sverre Johansen is team leader for Apurgo’s operations center

The cooling of the equipment meant that the water consumption was approximately 0.14 liters per second; an overconsumption that corresponds to almost 4.5 million liters of water a year! According to Statistics Norway, as much as 30% of our drinking water leaks out through leaks in the pipes. This costs society hundreds of millions of kroner annually.

Safety for everyone

The hospital had the water meter installed as part of the ApurgoM3 system, which removes Legionella bacteria both safely and effectively. This makes the daily lives of the building’s operators much safer as they do not have to carry out hot water flushes, but not least reduces the risk of patients falling ill with Legionnaires’ disease.

Weakened immune systems and underlying illnesses are often the reason why people become seriously ill and, in the worst case, die from Legionella. Apurgo works to safeguard people’s health by treating water in an innovative and sustainable way.

Read also: Cancer Focus in November. – Life is normal at work

– “Creating systems that make everyday life safe for those who are particularly vulnerable is really nice. It’s especially great that the systems I make are installed in several hospitals around the country,” says Steinar Stoen. He works as a production employee at Apurgo and went through a serious bout of cancer himself a few years ago.